Cell phones: Necessity or luxury?

The cell phone is an invention over which the youth is going crazy today. It has become the most popular gadget amongst kids as well as the old souls and life seems impossible without this device. No doubt, mobile phones have made our life quite convenient and easy but wait for a moment and ask yourself that are you using your cell phone just to fulfil your basic need? The answer you would probably get will be ‘no’ of course. Stylish cell phones having lots of features in it such as touch screen, android etc. have become a part and parcel of our lives these days and you will be considered outdated if you do not change your model frequently. I am no one to deny the fact that if you have money in your pocket you can buy anything you want then why not a trendy cell phone that keeps you and your position updated in the society. But what if this so called perception influences the poor, nowadays people earn day and night just to pay their phone bills which is just a mere necessity...