Do vampires really exist?
After the very famous saga of 'Twilight', only one question encounters in my mind that, do VAMPIRES really exist? It seems that no matter how much evidence there is to suggest they either do or don't, most people are not satisfied without a conclusive answer. I suppose it's human nature to want to know definitively, but without hard scientific evidence in hand, how do we determine if vampires really exist or not? Down through time, the human imagination has created fantastic beings solely for the thrill factor. But none of these compare with the dark and erotic creature known as the 'vampire'. People that fear daylight, have yellow fang-like teeth, animal-looking nails, pale white skin does exist.

That remained a myth until 1963, when a British doctor Li Illis made an announcement: vampire-werewolf is nothing more than a victim of a genetic pathology – PORPHYRIA

This is a rare disease only 1 in 20000 people suffers from it. The body doesn’t produce red corpuscles and thus a person’s blood lacks oxygen and iron and this leads to hemoglobin breakdown under the sunshine. Soon a person starts to have sun energy and can even die. His fingers start to convolve, the skin around mouth gets dry and reveals gums, which turn yellowish because of Porphyrine deposition on the teeth. These people also often suffer from mental disability. Porphyria is not infective, it is an inherited disease. If one of the parents suffers from it, the child is 25 percent probable to inherit it. The reason for it can be hepatitis C, incest and excessive alcohol drinking.

They say that in the Middle Ages people that had Porphyria were cured by blood, though it’s pointless as it doesn’t stanch pain. Today patients get blood-based injections. This disease though is neither examined nor cured. In my opinion, the only way to answer this question is to give the only honest answer anyone can. Do vampires really exist? Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Better safe than sorry. Or dead.